"Defending the Faith"

Midwest College of Theology is Midwest's Undergraduate Program which consists of our Associate and Bachelor programs.
Explanation of Fees
Core Fees (8): Curriculum, portion of accreditation/Hm. office & administration supplies.
Associate: $80.00 per book (8)
Bachelor: $90.00 per book (8)
Master: $100.00 per book (8)
Doctor: $120.00 per book (8)
Core fees due when each of the 8 Core Curriculum are ordered.
Student Fees: Student services, diplomas, portion of accreditation/ Hm. office & administration supplies.
Associate: $250.00
Bachelor: $300.00
Master: $350.00
Doctor: $450.00
• Satellite Extension schools starting May 2023– December 2023: Fees due 03/08/2023.
• Satellite Extension schools starting January 2023– May 2023 Fees due 09/06/2023.
There will be a $100 late fee if payment is received after due date.
Administration Fees: Portion of marketing/Hm. office & administration supplies.
Associate: $275.00
Bachelor: $325.00
Master: $400.00
Doctor: $550.00
• Satellite Extension schools starting May 2023– December 2023: Fees due 05/24/2024.
• Satellite Extension schools starting January 2023– May 2023: Fees due 11/08/2023.
There will be a $100 late fee if payment is received after due date.
Associate: $750.00
Bachelor: $800.00
Master: $1,000.00
Doctor: $1,700.00
Reading Fees: Master Thesis: $100 Doctoral Dissertation: $200 (Payment must be submitted with thesis or dissertation.)
MCT has the philosophy that a quality, spiritual education that trains an individual for service to the Lord Jesus Christ should not leave that individual with an oppressive financial debt.
This is another reason that we have not sought the very costly regionalaccreditation that leads to qualification for government-guaranteed studentloans and other government programs. Institutions using such loans generally charge the maximum tuition allowable, leaving the student with a sizeable debt at the completion of their education. For those called to the ministry, it can be very difficult to obey God’s calling with this type of debt lingering over their finances.
Therefore, MCT elected a less-costly, independent accreditation. Our approach is to provide the most affordable, quality, spiritual educationthat we can as a ministry to the Lord and to His servants.
For those who just want to set in the class and study the Bible without earning a degree. Students may set in and participate in class activities just as the enrolled students. They will not be required to pay graduation fees, tuition or admin fees. They will however be required to pay the book fees ($80.00-$120.00 per book depending on the class level) for the class they are monitoring and a $200. auditing fee. Students auditing the class will be recognized and given a certificate of completion at that years graduation ceremony but they will not be allowed to walk with the class during the ceremonies. If however an auditing student, at any time during that year wishes to be involved in the formal MCT Graduation with the graduating class of the year in which study is completed, they will just be required to pay the administration, graduation fees and tuition for that year.
The policy of MCT is to provide an in-house, interest-free, student loan in the form of a pay-as-you-go program rather than requiring the student to pay the full tuition at the beginning of each semester. An advantage of the programs provided at MCT is the flexibility of schedule.
Students can finish their programs of study or achieve their educational goals over a period of time convenient to them. Their own personal preferences, work schedules, and their own finances determine the speed at which they progress. Students must pre-pay each course before attending classes. If a student cannot pre-pay the course, they are not disqualified from continuing their education, though they might not complete the number of courses required to graduate in the next graduation exercise. There are no provisions for partial payments.
To qualify for MLE credit, the majority of the material presented should result from the students’ own study of the Word of God and not rely upon use of pre-printed curriculum. MLE credit will also be awarded for evangelistic speaking engagements, as well as teaching or preaching over radio and television. Conducting Sunday school classes, home Bible studies, or cell groups do count toward MLE credit. If credit is allowed the candidate will be assessed $35 per credit hour. MLE credits are only to be accepted for Associate and/or Bachelor degrees.
It is the official policy that if a student desires, for any reason, to withdrawfrom an enrolled class, the following percentages of the tuition will berefunded. When written withdrawal is received:• before the first class 50% refund (upon return of unused materials)• after the first Associate or Bachelor class 10% refund after the second class 0% refund 0% refund on Master or Doctoral classes
A student will be charged $50 for any check returned to their MCT campus because of insufficient funds.
MCT does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality, ethnic origin, or gender. We guarantee the rights, privileges, and the availability of all programs and activities to all students of MCT.